When one machine thinks about another, where do we draw the boundaries between the systems.
When one machine thinks about another, where do we draw the boundaries between the systems.
Humans can’t multitask like computers do, and yet our bodies just keep on functioning.
Past experience is biasing, so they’re not just you in their shoes.
It’s not that we can’t concentrate, it’s that we won’t.
There is plenty of proof for God if you choose to see it that way, it’s the absence of God that relies on faith.
Fake news has one fatal flaw that fiction doesn’t: It promotes itself as news.
As AI reduces the need to learn complex tasks, is our motivation to learn them eroding forever?
Is an action with a million unverifiable causes any less deterministic than an action that has a single, verifiable, one?
More knowledge means more informed, and yet, we defer to an echo chamber.
Every good fairy tale gives us some meaning, but is free will one that we can’t live without?
Analogies simplify complexity, so doesn’t accuracy defeat their purpose?
The fragility of our knowledge is often overlooked.
Your memory is faulty and you are biased.
The first victims of our romantic mind games are often ourselves.
What privileges does our place in time afford us? If given the choice, what should we have the right to take?
They’re poised to replace humans, while confidently and blindly feeding you misinformation.
All we know is, we haven’t proved it wrong. This is the problem with empirical evidence.
We seem to be getting off our pedestal, and yet, sub-atomic particles are undefined until we observe them?
It’s easy to associate a tendency toward adopting new ideas as being open-minded. But that isn’t what it is. That’s being progressive.
Be neutral and open-minded. If you can achieve that, every conversation you have will be biased…
You can step out of your own frame of reference without giving it up, but how helpful is an attitude like that?
People with the most money can pay to not see ads, while the people with the least money are seeing ads for things they can’t afford…
The reason something works in theory but not in practice is because the theory is broken…
Saying “You can trust me” doesn’t indicate you’re trustworthy…
Can your love for someone ever be for the real them, or merely an approximation that gets closer and closer?
Maybe we should want our children to believe selflessness is achievable by mere mortals, or maybe we should just not want to lie to them…
Everyone’s got cool ideas, and yours pales in comparison…
The heart wants what it wants is often explanation enough, but for anything it doesn’t want, that phrase is unfairly inadequate.
How much does the stickiness of a habit actually afford you, and how much of your poor choices can you realistically blame on it?
Progress can be made through perseverance, so letting go goes against our conditioning…
Body language is revealing but will also lead you astray. And you can’t argue over dictionary definitions…